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Secure storage of your secrets and valuable data to protect your business

As application attacks expands, incidents involving stealing or tampering valuable data like credentials (URLs, certificates, tokens, login, passwords), cryptographic and API keys, configuration data, personal data or metering data are on the rise, posing significant risks to company revenues, as well as jeopardizing customer trust and brand reputation.

Securely storing those valuable data in white-box or hardware-based modules protects against unauthorized access and manipulation. Don’t leave your data vulnerable.

Sensitive data used by an application: What to protect?

Data confidentiality
& integrity at rest

Unauthorized access and tampering pose significant threats to sensitive information at rest such as theft and service disruption. Maintaining data accuracy is essential for informed decision-making, protecting revenues and maintaining customer trust.

cryptographic keys

Cryptographic keys, believed to be securely stored, are often kept in plaintext, vulnerable to extraction and tampering. Attackers can compromise data security, as keys can be easily found through visual inspections of binary files.

Cloud credentials

Cloud credentials are essential authentication details like usernames, passwords, and keys required for accessing and interacting with cloud services. Attackers can steal cloud credentials through hardware tampering or software vulnerabilities, accessing sensitive data without authorization.

A secure vault to protect your data

Securely store your valuable data for devices and applications using software and/or hardware security components. Protect your data against extraction, counterfeiting, and tampering with QShield.

Data encryption

With a unified data encryption solution across diverse platforms, application developers can confidently secure sensitive data without the need for individual security implementations for each supported platform.

Device binding

QShield generates unique fingerprints for each device, ensuring that even if compromised, the application remains unusable, safeguarding against application repackaging.

White-box cryptography

White-box cryptography protects your secret keys thanks to an easy to integrate library. Protect your keys against software and hardware attacks without requiring any dedicated hardware component.

Build your defense with QShield

Discover our security modules for protecting your data

QShield App Protection

Comprehensive software protection for firmware, middleware and applications.

Protect against static and dynamic attacks thanks to code & data obfuscation and RASP (Runtime Application Self Protection).

QShield Data Protection

Securely store secrets and data for IoT objects without the need for a pre-existing secure element. Developers can encrypt and decrypt TLS certificates and authentication credentials and deploy over-the-air to resecure your current fleet.

QShield Keys Protection

White-box cryptography combines methods of encryption and obfuscation to embed secret keys within an application code. The code and keys are combined to make the two indistinguishable to an attacker.


Software Security for data, firmware, and applications

Safely store sensitive data using software and/or hardware security components.

Ready to protect your sensitive assets?

Get in touch with our experts